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Imperative Flexgrid Navigation

The Flexgrid Gallery component navigation can be entirely controlled through the SDK. All of the following methods accep a single object as parameter. This object will always contain at least the componentId of the targeted gallery, and sometimes will also require an index, which is the index of the tile that recieves an action.

Open a media's detailed viewflexGridDetailsViewOpen componentId - String index - Intwindow.wyng['_WYNG_ID_'].flexGridDetailsViewOpen({ componentId: 'flex_grid_123', index: 2 })
Close the details modalflexGridDetailsViewClose* componentId - Stringwindow.wyng['_WYNG_ID_'].flexGridDetailsViewClose({ componentId: 'flex_grid_123' })
Details View: Navigate to the next piece of contentflexGridDetailsViewGoRight* componentId - Stringwindow.wyng['_WYNG_ID_'].flexGridDetailsViewGoRight({ componentId: 'flex_grid_123' })
Details View: Navigate to the previous piece of contentflexGridDetailsViewGoLeft* componentId - Stringwindow.wyng['_WYNG_ID_'].flexGridDetailsViewGoLeft({ componentId: 'flex_grid_123' })
Load more contentflexGridLoadMoreContent* componentId - Stringwindow.wyng['_WYNG_ID_'].flexGridLoadMoreContent({ componentId: 'flex _grid_123' })
Carousel: Navigate to the next page of contentflexGridCarouselGoToNext* componentId - Stringwindow.wyng['_WYNG_ID_'].flexGridCarouselGoToNext({ componentId: 'flex _grid_123' })
Carousel: Navigate to the previous page of contentflexGridCarouselGoToPrev* componentId - Stringwindow.wyng['_WYNG_ID_'].flexGridCarouselGoToPrev({ componentId: 'flex _grid_123' })
Carousel: Navigate to the particular page of contentflexGridCarouselGoToIndex componentId - String index - Intwindow.wyng['_WYNG_ID_'].flexGridCarouselGoToIndex({ componentId: 'flex _grid_123', index: 1 })
Spotlight: Navigate to the next page of contentflexGridSpotlightGoToNext* componentId - Stringwindow.wyng['_WYNG_ID_'].flexGridSpotlightGoToNext({ componentId: 'flex _grid_123' })
Spotlight: Navigate to the previous page of contentflexGridSpotlightGoToPrev* componentId - Stringwindow.wyng['_WYNG_ID_'].flexGridSpotlightGoToPrev({ componentId: 'flex _grid_123' })
Spotlight: Navigate to the particular page of contentflexGridSpotlightGoToIndex componentId - String index - Intwindow.wyng['_WYNG_ID_'].flexGridSpotlightGoToIndex({ componentId: 'flex _grid_123', index: 1 })

After call of flexGridLoadMoreContent when new content is loaded and displayed the event flex_grid_new_content_added is sent (see event's payload in Supported Events section).

After call of flexGridDetailsViewOpen / flexGridDetailsViewGoRight / flexGridDetailsViewGoLeft the event individual_entry_expanded is sent (see event's payload in Supported Events section).