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Question component methods



componentIdstring - requiredComponent Id of the Question component

This method returns the metrics of the Question component. Metrics returned are all the questions in the component, and for each answer a count of how many times the specific answer has been selected. The answers for the current user are included in the metrics result that are returned by this method.


The Question Component loads the metrics into the experience as it needs them. For normal use when the getQuestionMetrics would get called the metrics are available, however sometimes this is not the case. In that case there is a Quiz Metrics Loaded event can be used to get the metrics as soon as they become available.


const metrics = window.wyng['_WYNG_ID_'].getQuestionMetrics('quiz_123456');


Potential Output

question_123456: {
answer_123456: 120,
answer_234567: 240,
answer_345678: 57,
answer_456789: 97
question_234567: {
answer_987654: 119,
answer_876543: 372,
answer_765432: 613



componentIdstring - requiredComponent Id of the Question component
nextStepHandlerfunction - requiredMiddleware function which is called after step completion with the completed step as argument

This method allows for the setup of a custom handler to override the default step flow. The handler will be called every time a step is completed, with the completed step passed as an argument. It should return either the next step's ID or its title to navigate to the subsequent step.


The keyword form and result IDs or titles could be used for navigating to form and results accordingly. The quiz will first navigate to the form step, but after the form is automatically or manually submitted, the user will be navigated to the specified result. If the handler returns a nullable value, the next phase will be automatically selected according to the order in the standard flow.


window.wyng['_WYNG_ID_'].setQuizNextStepHandler('quiz_123456', function(completedStep) {
if ( == 'Step 1' && completedStep.answers[0] == 'Go to step 2') {
return 'question_12345';
if ( == 'question_12345') {
if (completedStep.answers[0] == 'Go to form') {
return 'form';
if (completedStep.answers[0] == 'Go to first result') {
return 'first Result';